画皮冷冷地回答:“my chinese level is really not good(我的汉语水平真的不怎么样),can you say something i can understand(你能不能说点儿我听得懂的)”
王锦森喊道:“what the ** do you want(你他m的到底想干什么)!”
画皮笑笑:“i want you to come to me(我想让你来找我),but you have been unable to understand my riddle(可是你却一直猜不透我的谜语)……what should i do(我能怎么办)”
王锦森愤怒地一个单词一个单词地回答道:“you should tell me where the ** you are(你应该告诉我你他n的到底在哪),and then ill get your head(让后让我去取你的脑袋)!”
画皮假装很惊讶的样子:“wow(哇塞)!this is illegal(这可是违法的)!”
王锦森坚定地回答:“you killed a man(你杀了人),this is the death penalty(这是死刑)!before that(之前),there was another cross-border kidnapping(你又跨国绑架),adding to the crime!(罪加一等)!i should have killed you son of a bitch(我应该取走你的狗命)!”
画皮笑了笑:“then you come to me(那你就来找我啊),i will give you a few more tips(我再给你几个提示):false(虚假),justice(公正),fraternity(博爱)!i am waiting for you to come to me(我在这里等你)!”
王锦森又问道:“where is sima xing(司马星在哪)!”
画皮在警局内,挂了电话,回过头,警察们都呆呆地看着画皮,其中一个警员大声质问道:“why did you kill him(你为什么要杀他)!”
画皮严肃地看着他:“wang jinsen is suspected of committing a crime(王锦森涉嫌作案)!the mayor ordered him to be arrested(市长下令必须将他逮捕归案)!all those who helped him are regarded as accomplices(所有帮过他的一律视为同党)!did you doubt me(你质疑我)you too(你也是吗)”
那警员连忙摇头道:“nononono(不不不不),sorry(对不起),its my fault(是我的错)!”
说完,画皮画皮冷笑一声,朝一旁的影子挥了挥手:“get back in the car(回车上吧)!”
市长的声音不眠发颤:“what(你)……what do you really want to do(你到底想干什么)”
无常笑笑:“do what i should do(干我该干的事)!”
市长焦急地说道:“let them rob like this(让他们这样抢下去),someone will die(会有人死的)!”
无常一边笑着,一边继续向楼下撒着钞票:“then they can realize whether money is their tool or whether they are slaves of money(那他们就能认识到到底金钱是他们的工具,还是他们是金钱的奴隶)!”
市长没再说话,无常继续说道:“even if someone really died(就算真的有人死了),they will not blame me but thank me(他们也不会怪我,甚至会感谢我)!didnt you use these things when you bought people(你当初收买人心的时候用的不就是这些东西吗)”他一边说着,一边晃了晃手中的美元。
市长的脸上依然写满了“恐惧”,无常停顿了一会儿,继续说道:“many people know in their hearts what you have done(你干的那些事很多人都知道),but no one dares to say it(只是没人敢说而已),because it is also related to their interests(因为这也关系着他们的利益)。”
随着无常的话一点一点像针一样扎进市长的心,市长渐渐变得愤怒起来,大喊道:“somebody(来人啊)!there is an assassin here(有刺客)!”
无常从伞里飞出来,看着市长吓坏了,瞪大了的眼睛笑笑:“whats the matter(咋了)are you afraid(怕了)”
市长哆嗦着跪下身子,带着哭腔向无常恳求道:“jesus(耶稣啊)!please forgive me(请原谅我),from now on(从现在起),i will listen to you(我一定听您的),as long as you dont kill me(只要您不杀我),what do you want to know(不管你想知道什么),i will have nothing to hide from you(我一定全都告诉您)!”