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时间:2023-05-26  来源:  作者:(印度)罗宾德拉纳特·泰戈尔

飞鸟集 第157章
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the night opens the flowers in secret and allows the day to get thanks.

飞鸟集 第158章
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power takes as ingratitude the writhings of its victims.

飞鸟集 第159章
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when we rejoice in our fulness, then we can part with our fruits with joy.

飞鸟集 第160章
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the raindrops kissed the earth and whispered,
—”we are thy homesick children, mother, come back to thee from the heaven.”

飞鸟集 第161章
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the cobweb pretends to catch dewdrops and catches flies.

飞鸟集 第162章
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love!when you come with the burning lamp of pain in your hand, i can see your face and know you as bliss.

飞鸟集 第163章
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”the leaned say that your lights will one day be no more.”said the firefly to the stars.
the stars made no answer.

飞鸟集 第164章
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in the dusk of the evening the bird of some early dawn comes to the nest of my silence.

飞鸟集 第165章
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thoughts pass in my mind like flocks of ducks in the sky.
i hear the voice of their wings.

飞鸟集 第166章
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the canal loves to think that rivers exist solely to supply it with water.

飞鸟集 第167章
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the world has kissed my soul with its pain, asking for its return in songs.

飞鸟集 第168章
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that which oppresses me, is it my soul trying to come out in the open, or the soul of the world knocking at my heart for its entrance?

飞鸟集 第169章
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thought feeds itself with its own words and grows.

飞鸟集 第170章
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i have dipped the vessel of my heart into this silent hour;it has filled with love.

飞鸟集 第171章
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either you have work or you have not.
when you have to say,”let us do something”,then begins mischief.

飞鸟集 第172章
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the sunflower blushed to own the nameless flower as her kin.
the sun rose and smiled on it, saying,”are you well, my darling?”

飞鸟集 第173章
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”who drives me forward like fate?”
”the myself striding on my back.”

飞鸟集 第174章
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the clouds fill the watercups of the river, hiding themselves in the distant hills.

飞鸟集 第175章
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i spill water from my water jar as i walk on my way, very little remains for my home.

飞鸟集 第176章
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the water in a vessel is spark-ling;the water in the sea is dark. the small truth has words that are clear;the great truth has great silence.

飞鸟集 第177章
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your smile was the flowers of your own fields, your talk was the rustle of your own mountain pines, but your heart was the woman that we all know.

飞鸟集 第178章
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it is the little things that i leave behind for my loved ones,
—great things are for everyone.

飞鸟集 第179章
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woman, thou hast encircled the world"s heart with the depth of thy tears as the sea has the earth.

飞鸟集 第180章
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the sunshine greets me with a smile.
the rain, his sad sister, talks to my heart.

飞鸟集 第181章
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my flower of the day dropped its petals forgotten.
in the evening it ripens into a golden fruit of memory.

飞鸟集 第182章
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i am like the road in the night listening to the footfalls of its memories in silence.

飞鸟集 第183章
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the evening sky to me is like a window, and a lighted lamp, and a waiting behind it.

飞鸟集 第184章
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he who is too busy doing good finds no time to be good.

飞鸟集 第185章
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i am the autumn cloud, empty of rain, see my fulness in the field of ripened rice.

飞鸟集 第186章
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they hated and killed and men praised them.
but god in shame hastens to hide its memory under the green grass.

飞鸟集 第187章
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toes are the fingers that have forsaken their past.

飞鸟集 第188章
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darkness travels towards light, but blindness towards death.

飞鸟集 第189章
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the pet dog suspects the universe for scheming to take its place.

飞鸟集 第190章
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sit still, my heart, do not raise your dust.
let the world find its way to you.

飞鸟集 第191章
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the bow whispers to the arrow before it speeds forth,
—”your freedom is mine.”

飞鸟集 第192章
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woman, in your laughter you have the music of the fountain of life.

飞鸟集 第193章
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a mind all logic is like a knife all blade.
it makes the hand bleed that uses it.

飞鸟集 第194章
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god loves man"s lamplight better than his own great stars.

飞鸟集 第195章
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this world is the world of wild storms kept tame with the music of beauty.

飞鸟集 第196章
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”my heart is like the golden casket of thy kiss.”said the sunset cloud to the sun.

飞鸟集 第197章
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by touching you may kill, by keeping away you may possess.

飞鸟集 第198章
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the cricket"s chirp and the patter of rain come to me through the dark, like the rustle of dreams from my past youth.

飞鸟集 第199章
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”i have lost my dewdrop,”cries the flower to the morning sky that has lost all its stars.

飞鸟集 第200章
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the burning log bursts in flame and cries,
—”this is my flower, my death.”

飞鸟集 第201章
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the wasp thinks that the honeyhive of the neighboring bees is too small.
his neighbors ask him to build one still smaller.

飞鸟集 第202章
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”i cannot keep your waves,”says the bank to the river,”let me keep your footprints in my heart.”

飞鸟集 第203章
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the day, with the noise of this little earth, drowns the silence of all worlds.

飞鸟集 第204章
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the song feels the infinite in the air, the picture in the earth, the poem in the air and the earth;for its words have meaning that walks and music that soars.

飞鸟集 第205章
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when the sun goes down to the west, the east of his morning stands before him in silence.

飞鸟集 第206章
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let me not put myself wrongly to my world and set it against me.

飞鸟集 第207章
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praise shames me, for i secretly beg for it.

飞鸟集 第208章
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let my doing nothing when i have nothing to do become untroubled in its depth of peace like the evening in the seashore when the water is silent.