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Poems and Songs of Robert Burns

时间:2023-05-28  来源:  作者:Robert Burns
minnie, mother.
mirk, dark.
misca', to miscall, to abuse.
mishanter, mishap.
mislear'd, mischievous, unmannerly.
mistak, mistake.
misteuk, mistook.
mither, mother.
mixtie-maxtie, confused.
monie, many.
mools, crumbling earth, grave.
moop, to nibble, to keep closepany, to meddle.
mottie, dusty.
mou', the mouth.
moudieworts, moles.
muckle, v. meikle.
muslin-kail, beefless broth.
mutchkin, an english pint.
na, nae, no, not.
naething, naithing, nothing.
naig, a nag.
nane, none,
nappy, ale, liquor.
natch, a notching implement; abuse.
neebor, neibor, neighbor.
needna, needn't.
neist, next.
neuk, newk, a nook, a corner.
new-ca'd, newly driven.
nick (auld), nickie-ben, a name of the devil.
nick, to sever; to slit; to nail, to seize away.
nickie-ben, v. nick.
nick-nackets, curiosities.
nicks, cuts; the rings on a cow's horns.
nieve, the fist.
nieve-fu', fistful.
niffer, exchange.
nit, a nut.
no, not.
nocht, nothing.
norland, northern.
nowt, nowte, cattle.
o', of.
o'erword, the refrain; catchword.
onie, any.
or, ere, before.
orra, extra.
o't, of it.
ought, aught.
oughtlins, aughtlins, aught in the least; at all.
ourie, shivering, drooping.
outler, unhoused.
owre, over, too.
owsen, oxen.
owthor, author.
oxter'd, held up under the arms.
pack an' thick, confidential.
paidle, to paddle, to wade; to walk with a weak action.
paidle, nail-bag.
painch, the paunch.
paitrick, a partridge; used equivocally of a wanton girl.
pang, to cram.
parishen, the parish.
parritch, porridge.
parritch-pats, porridge-pots.
pat, pot.
pat, put.
pattle, pettle, a plow-staff.
paughty, haughty.
paukie, pauky, pawkie, artful, sly.
pechan, the stomach.
pechin, panting, blowing.
penny-fee, wage in money.
penny-wheep, small beer.
pettle, v. pattle.
philibeg, the highlander's kilt.
phraisin, flattering, wheedling.
phrase, to flatter, to wheedle.
pickle, a few, a little.
pint (scots), three imperial pints.
pit, put.
placads, proclamations.
plack, four pennies (scots).
plackless, penniless.
plaiden, coarse woolen cloth.
plaister, plaster.
plenish'd, stocked.
pleugh, plew, a plow.
pliskie, a trick.
pliver, a plover.
pock, a poke, a bag, a wallet.
poind, to seize, to distrain, to impound.
poortith, poverty.
pou, to pull.
pouch, pocket.
pouk, to poke.
poupit, pulpit.
pouse, a push.
poussie, a hare (also a cat).
pouther, powther, powder.
pouts, chicks.
pow, the poll, the head.
pownie, a pony.
pow't, pulled.
pree'd, pried (proved), tasted.
preen, a pin.
prent, print.
prie, to taste.
prief, proof.
priggin, haggling.
primsie, dim. of prim, precise.
proveses, provosts.
pu', to pull.
puddock-stools, toadstools, mushrooms.
puir, poor.
pun', pund, pound.
pursie, dim. of purse.
pussie, a hare.
pyet, a magpie.
pyke, to pick.
pyles, grains.
quat, quit, quitted.
quean, a young woman, a lass.
queir, choir.
quey, a young cow.
quietlin-wise, quietly.
quo', quod, & h.
rab, rob.
rade, rode.
raep, a rope.
ragweed, ragwort.
raibles, recites by rote.
rair, to roar.
rairin, roaring.
rair't, roared.
raise, rase, rose.
raize, to excite, anger.
ramfeezl'd, exhausted.
ramgunshoch, surly.
ram-stam, headlong.
randie, lawless, obstreperous.
randie, randy, a scoundrel, a rascal.
rant, to rollick, to roister.
rants, merry meetings; rows.
rape, v. raep.
raploch, homespun.
rash, a rush.
rash-buss, a clump of rushes.
rashy, rushy.
rattan, rattoon, a rat.
ratton-key, the rat-quay.
raucle, rough, bitter, sturdy.
raught, reached.
raw, a row.
rax, to stretch, to extend.
ream, cream, foam.
ream, to cream, to foam.
reave, to rob.
rebute, rebuff.
red, advised, afraid.
red, rede, to advise, to counsel.
red-wat-shod, red-wet-shod.
red-wud, stark mad.
reek, smoke.
reekie, reeky, smoky.
reestit, scorched.
reestit, refused to go.
reif, theiving.
remead, remedy.
rickles, small stacks of corn in the fields.
rief, plunder.
rig, a ridge.
riggin, the roof-tree, the roof.
rigwoodie, lean.
rin, to run.
ripp, a handful of corn from the sheaf.
ripplin-kame, the wool or flaxb.
riskit, cracked.
rive, to split, to tear, to tug, to burst.
rock, a distaff.
rockin, a social meeting.
roon, round, shred.
roose, to praise, to flatter.
roose, reputation.
roosty, rusty.
rottan, a rat.
roun', round.
roupet, exhausted in voice.
routh, v. rowth.
routhie, well-stocked.
row, rowe, to roll; to flow, as a river; to wrap.
rowte, to low, to bellow.
rowth, plenty, a store.
rozet, resin.
run-deils, downright devils.
rung, a cudgel.
runkl'd, wrinkled.
runt, a cabbage or colewort stalk.
ryke, to reach.
sab, to sob.
sae, so.
saft, soft.
sair, sore, hard, severe, strong.
sair, to serve.
sair, sairly, sorely.
sairie, sorrowful, sorry.
sall, shall.
sandy, sannack, dim. of alexander.
sark, a shirt.
saugh, the willow.
saul, soul.
saumont, sawmont, the salmon.
saunt, saint.
saut, salt.
saut-backets, v. backets.
saw, to sow.
sawney, v. sandy.
sax, six.
scar, to scare.
scar, v. scaur.
scathe, scaith, damage; v. skaith.
scaud, to scald.
scaul, scold.
scauld, to scold.
scaur, afraid; apt to be scared.
scaur, a jutting rock or bank of earth.
scho, she.
scone, a soft flour cake.
sconner, disgust.
sconner, sicken.
scraichin, calling hoarsely.
screed, a rip, a rent.
screed, to repeat rapidly, to rattle.
scriechin, screeching.
scriegh, skriegh, v. skriegh.
scrievin, careering.
scrimpit, scanty.
scroggie, scroggy, scrubby.
sculdudd'ry, bawdry.
see'd, saw.
seisins, freehold possessions.
sel, sel', sell, self.
sell'd, sell't, sold.
semple, simple.
sen', send.
set, to set off; to start.
set, sat.
sets, bes.
shachl'd, shapeless.
shaird, shred, shard.
shanagan, a cleft stick.
shanna, shall not.
shaul, shallow.
shaver, a funny fellow.
shavie, trick.
shaw, a wood.
shaw, to show.
shearer, a reaper.
sheep-shank, a sheep's trotter; nae sheep-shank bane = a person of
no small importance.
sheerly, wholly.
sheers, scissors.
sherra-moor, sheriffmuir.
sheugh, a ditch, a furrow; gutter.
sheuk, shook.
shiel, a shed, cottage.
shill, shrill.
shog, a shake.
shool, a shovel.
shoon, shoes.
shore, to offer, to threaten.
short syne, a little while ago.
shouldna, should not.
shouther, showther, shoulder.
shure, shore (did shear).
sic, such.
siccan, such a.
sicker, steady, certain; sicker score = strict conditions.
sidelins, sideways.
siller, silver; money in general.
simmer, summer.
sin, son.
sin', since.
sindry, sundry.
singet, singed, shriveled.
sinn, the sun.
sinny, sunny.
skaith, damage.
skeigh, skiegh, skittish.
skellum, a good-for-nothing.
skelp, a slap, a smack.
skelp, to spank; skelpin at it = driving at it.
skelpie-limmer's-face, a technical term in female scolding (r. b.).
skelvy, shelvy.
skiegh, v. skeigh.