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Poems and Songs of Robert Burns

时间:2023-05-28  来源:  作者:Robert Burns
twistle, a twist; a sprain.
tyke, a dog.
tyne, v. tine.
tysday, tuesday.
ulzie, oil.
unchancy, dangerous.
unco, remarkably, umonly, excessively.
unco, remarkable, umon, terrible (sarcastic).
uncos, news, strange things, wonders.
unkend, unknown.
unsicker, uncertain.
unskaithed, unhurt.
usquabae, usquebae, whisky.
vauntie, proud.
vera, very.
virls, rings.
vittle, victual, grain, food.
vogie, vain.
wa', waw, a wall.
wab, a web.
wabster, a weaver.
wad, to wager.
wad, to wed.
wad, would, would have.
wad'a, would have.
wadna, would not.
wadset, a mortgage.
wae, woful, sorrowful.
wae, wo; wae's me = wo is to me.
waesucks, alas!
wae worth, wo befall.
wair, v. ware.
wale, to choose.
wale, choice.
walie, wawlie, choice, ample, large.
wallop, to kick; to dangle; to gallop; to dance.
waly fa', ill befall!
wame, the belly.
wamefou, bellyful.
wan, won.
wanchancie, dangerous.
wanrestfu', restless.
ware, wair, to spend; bestow.
ware, worn.
wark, work.
wark-lume, tool.
warl', warld, world.
warlock, a wizard
warl'y, warldly, worldly.
warran, warrant.
warse, worse.
warsle, warstle, wrestle.
wast, west.
wastrie, waste.
wat, wet.
wat, wot, know.
water-fit, water-foot (the river's mouth).
water-kelpies, v. kelpies.
wauble, to wobble.
waught, a draft.
wauk, to awake.
wauken, to awaken.
waukin, awake.
waukit (with toil), horny.
waukrife, wakeful.
waulie, jolly.
waur, worse.
waur, to worst.
waur't, worsted, beat.
wean (wee one), a child.
weanies, babies.
weason, weasand.
wecht, a measure for corn.
wee, a little; a wee = a short space or time.
wee things, children.
weel, well.
weel-faured, well-favored.
weel-gaun, well-going.
weel-hain'd, well-saved.
weepers, mournings (on the steeve or hat).
werena, were not.
we'se, we shall.
westlin, western.
wha, who.
whaizle, wheeze.
whalpet, whelped.
wham, whom.
whan, when.
whang, a shive.
whang, flog.
whar, whare, where.
wha's whose.
wha's, who is.
whase, whose.
what for, whatfore, wherefore.
whatna, what.
what reck, what matter; nevertheless.
whatt, whittled.
whaup, the curlew.
whaur, where.
wheep, v. penny-wheep.
wheep, jerk.
whid, a fib.
whiddin, scudding.
whids, gambols.
whigmeleeries, crotches.
whingin, whining.
whins, furze.
whirlygigums, flourishes.
whist, silence.
whissle, whistle.
whitter, a draft.
whittle, a knife.
wi', with.
wick a bore, hit a curling-stone obliquely and send it through an
wi's, with his.
wi't, with it.
widdifu', gallows-worthy.
widdle, wriggle.
wiel, eddy.
wight, strong, stout.
wighter, more influential.
willcat wildcat.
willyart, disordered.
wimple, to meander.
win, won.
winn, to winnow.
winna, will not.
winnin, winding.
winnock, window.
winnock-bunker, v. bunker.
win't, did wind.
wintle, a somersault.
wintle, to stagger; to swing; to wriggle.
winze, a curse.
wiss, wish.
won, to dwell.
wonner, a wonder.
woo', wool.
woodie, woody, a rope (originally of withes); a gallows rope.
woodies, twigs, withes.
wooer-babs, love-knots.
wordy, worthy.
worset, worsted.
worth, v. wae worth.
wraith, ghost.
wrang, wrong.
wud, wild, mad.
wumble, wimble.
wyliecoat, undervest.
wyte (weight), blame.
wyte, to blame; to reproach.
yard, a garden; a stackyard.
yaud, an old mare.
yealings, coevals.
yell, dry (milkless).
yerd, earth.
yerkit, jerked.
yerl, earl.
ye'se, ye shall.
yestreen, last night.
yett, a gate.
yeuk, to itch.
yill, ale.
yill-caup, ale-stoup.
yird, yearth, earth.
yokin, yoking; a spell; a day's work.
yon, yonder.
'yont, beyond.
yowe, ewe.
yowie, dim. of ewe; a pet ewe.
yule, christmas.
追-更:xs85 (woo18)
