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Poems and Songs of Robert Burns

时间:2023-05-28  来源:  作者:Robert Burns
skinking, watery.
skinklin, glittering.
skirl, to cry or sound shrilly.
sklent, a slant, a turn.
sklent, to slant, to squint, to cheat.
skouth, scope.
skriech, a scream.
skriegh, to scream, to whinny.
skyrin, flaring.
skyte, squirt, lash.
slade, slid.
slae, the sloe.
slap, a breach in a fence; a gate.
slaw, slow.
slee, sly, ingenious.
sleekit, sleek, crafty.
slidd'ry, slippery.
sloken, to slake.
slypet, slipped.
sma', small.
smeddum, a powder.
smeek, smoke.
smiddy, smithy.
smoor'd, smothered.
smoutie, smutty.
smytrie, a small collection; a litter.
snakin, sneering.
snap smart.
snapper, to stumble.
snash, abuse.
snaw, snow.
snaw-broo, snow-brew (melted snow).
sned, to lop, to prune.
sneeshin mill, a snuff-box.
snell, bitter, biting.
snick, a latch; snick-drawing = scheming; he weel a snick can draw =
he is good at cheating.
snirtle, to snigger.
snoods, fillets worn by maids.
snool, to cringe, to snub.
snoove, to go slowly.
snowkit, snuffed.
sodger, soger, a soldier.
sonsie, sonsy, pleasant, good-natured, jolly.
soom, to swim.
soor, sour.
sough, v. sugh.
souk, suck.
soupe, sup, liquid.
souple, supple.
souter, cobbler.
sowens, porridge of oat flour.
sowps, sups.
sowth, to hum or whistle in a low tune.
sowther, to solder.
spae, to foretell.
spails, chips.
spairge, to splash; to spatter.
spak, spoke.
spates, floods.
spavie, the spavin.
spavit, spavined.
spean, to wean.
speat, a flood.
speel, to climb.
speer, spier, to ask.
speet, to spit.
spence, the parlor.
spier. v. speer.
spleuchan, pouch.
splore, a frolic; a carousal.
sprachl'd, clambered.
sprattle, scramble.
spreckled, speckled.
spring, a quick tune; a dance.
sprittie, full of roots or sprouts (a kind of rush).
sprush, spruce.
spunk, a match; a spark; fire, spirit.
spunkie, full of spirit.
spunkie, liquor, spirits.
spunkies, jack-o'-lanterns, will-o'-wisps.
spurtle-blade, the pot-stick.
squatter, to flap.
squattle, to squat; to settle.
stacher, to totter.
staggie, dim. of staig.
staig, a young horse.
stan', stand.
stane, stone.
stan't, stood.
stang, sting.
stank, a moat; a pond.
stap, to stop.
stapple, a stopper.
stark, strong.
starnies, dim. of starn, star.
starns, stars.
startle, to course.
staumrel, half-witted.
staw, a stall.
staw, to surfeit; to sicken.
staw, stole.
stechin, cramming.
steek, a stitch.
steek, to shut; to close.
steek, to shut; to touch, meddle with.
stell, a still.
sten, a leap; a spring.
sten't, sprang.
stented, erected; set on high.
stents, assessments, dues.
steyest, steepest.
stibble, stubble.
stibble-rig, chief reaper.
stilt, limp (with the aid of stilts).
stimpart, a quarter peck.
stirk, a young bullock.
stock, a plant of cabbage; colewort.
stoited, stumbled.
stoiter'd, staggered.
stoor, harsh, stern.
stoun', pang, throb.
stoure, dust.
stourie, dusty.
stown, stolen.
stownlins, by stealth.
stoyte, to stagger.
strae death, death in bed. (i. e., on straw).
staik, to stroke.
strak, struck.
strang, strong.
straught, straight.
straught, to stretch.
streekit, stretched.
striddle, to straddle.
stron't, lanted.
strunt, liquor.
strunt, to swagger.
studdie, an anvil.
stumpie, dim. of stump; a worn quill.
sturt, worry, trouble.
sturt, to fret; to vex.
sturtin, frighted, staggered.
styme, the faintest trace.
sucker, sugar.
sud, should.
sugh, sough, sigh, moan, wail, swish.
sumph, churl.
sune, soon.
suthron, southern.
swaird, sward.
swall'd, swelled.
swank, limber.
swankies, strapping fellows.
swap, exchange.
swapped, swopped, exchanged.
swarf, to swoon.
swat, sweated.
swatch, sample.
swats, new ale.
sweer, v. dead-sweer.
swirl, curl.
swirlie, twisted, knaggy.
swith, haste; off and away.
swither, doubt, hesitation.
swoom, swim.
swoor, swore.
sybow, a young union.
syne, since, then.
tack, possession, lease.
tacket, shoe-nail.
tae, to.
tae, toe.
tae'd, toed.
taed, toad.
taen, taken.
taet, small quantity.
tairge, to target.
tak, take.
tald, told.
tane, one in contrast to other.
tangs, tongs.
tap, top.
tapetless, senseless.
tapmost, topmost.
tappet-hen, a crested hen-shaped bottle holding three quarts of
tap-pickle, the grain at the top of the stalk.
topsalteerie, topsy-turvy.
targe, to examine.
tarrow, to tarry; to be reluctant, to murmur; to weary.
tassie, a goblet.
tauk, talk.
tauld, told.
tawie, tractable.
tawpie, a foolish woman.
tawted, matted.
teats, small quantities.
teen, vexation.
tell'd, told.
temper-pin, a fiddle-peg; the regulating pin of the spinning-wheel.
tent, heed.
tent, to tend; to heed; to observe.
tentie, watchful, careful, heedful.
tentier, more watchful.
tentless, careless.
tester, an old silver coin about sixpence in value.
teugh, tough.
teuk, took.
thack, thatch; thack and rape = the covering of a house, and so, home
thae, those.
thairm, small guts; catgut (a fiddle-string).
theckit, thatched.
thegither, together.
thick, v. pack an' thick.
thieveless, forbidding, spiteful.
thiggin, begging.
thir, these.
thirl'd, thrilled.
thole, to endure; to suffer.
thou'se, thou shalt.
thowe, thaw.
thowless, la useless.
thrang, busy; thronging in crowds.
thrang, a throng.
thrapple, the windpipe.
thrave, twenty-four sheaves of corn.
thraw, a twist.
thraw, to twist; to turn; to thwart.
thraws, throes.
threap, maintain, argue.
threesome, trio.
thretteen, thirteen.
thretty, thirty.
thrissle, thistle.
thristed, thirsted.
through, mak to through = make good.
throu'ther (through other), pell-mell.
thummart, polecat.
thy lane, alone.
tight, girt, prepared.
till, to.
till't, to it.
timmer, timber, material.
tine, to lose; to be lost.
tinkler, tinker.
tint, lost
tippence, twopence.
tip, v. toop.
tirl, to strip.
tirl, to knock for entrance.
tither, the other.
tittlin, whispering.
tocher, dowry.
tocher, to give a dowry.
tocher-gude, marriage portion.
tod, the fox.
to-fa', the fall.
toom, empty.
toop, tup, ram.
toss, the toast.
toun, town; farm steading.
tousie, shaggy.
tout, blast.
tow, flax, a rope.
towmond, towmont, a twelvemonth.
towsing, rumpling (equivocal).
toyte, to totter.
tozie, flushed with drink.
trams, shafts.
transmogrify, change.
trashtrie, small trash.
trews, trousers.
trig, neat, trim.
trinklin, flowing.
trin'le, the wheel of a barrow.
trogger, packman.
troggin, wares.
troke, to barter.
trouse, trousers.
trowth, in truth.
trump, a jew's harp.
tryste, a fair; a cattle-market.
trysted, appointed.
trysting, meeting.
tulyie, tulzie, a squabble; a tussle.
twa, two.
twafauld, twofold, double.
twal, twelve; the twal = twelve at night.
twalpennie worth, a penny worth (english money).
twang, twinge.
twa-three, two or three.
tway, two.
twin, twine, to rob; to deprive; bereave.