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时间:2023-05-23  来源:  作者:小兵哥

    33 things that ust be together to ork can never be shipped together


    34 things that ust ork together, can‘t be carried to the field that ay


    35 radios ill fail as soon as you need fire support


    36 radar tends to fail at night and in bad eather, and especially during both)


    37 anything you do can get you killed, including nothing


    38 ake it too tough for the eney to get in, and you on‘t be able to get out


    39 tracers ork both ays


    40 if you take ore than your fair share of objectives, you ill get ore than your fair share of objectives to take


    41 hen both sides are convinced they‘re about to lose, they‘re both right


    42 professional soldiers are predictable; the orld is full of dangerous aateurs


    43 ilitary intelligence is a contradiction


    44 fortify your front; you‘ll get your rear shot up


    45 eather ain‘t neutral


    46 if you can‘t reeber, the clayore is pointed toards you


    47 air defense otto: shoot ‘e don; sort ‘e out on the ground


    48‘flies high, it dies; lo and slo, it‘ll go‘


    49 the cavalry doesn‘t alays e to the rescue


    50 napal is an area support eapon


    51 ines are equal opportunity eapons


    52 b52s are the ultiate close support eapon


    53 sniper‘s otto: reach out and touch soeone


    54 killing for peace is like screing for virginity


    55 the one ite you need is alays in short supply


    56 interchangeable parts aren‘t


    57 it‘s not the one ith your nae on it; it‘s the one addressed to ho it ay concern you‘ve got to think about


    58 hen in doubt, epty your agazine


    59 the side ith the siplest unifors ins


    60 bat ill occur on the ground beteen to adjoining a


    61 if the platoon sergeant can see you, so can the eney


    62 never stand hen you can sit, never sit hen you can lie don, never stay aake hen you can sleep


    63 the ost dangerous thing in the orld is a second lieutenant ith a ap and a pass


    64 exceptions prove the rule, and destroy the battle plan


    65 everything alays orks in your hq, everything alays fails in the colonel‘s hq


    66 the eney never atches until you ake a istake


    67 one eney soldier is never enough, but to is entirely too any


    68 a clean (and dry) set of bdu‘s is a ag for ud and rain


    69 the orse the eather, the ore you are required to be out in it


    70 henever you have plenty of ao, you never iss henever you are lo on ao, you can‘t hit the broad side of a barn


    71 the ore a eapon costs, the farther you ill have to send it aay to be repaired


    72 the plexity of a eapon is inversely proportional to the iq of the eapon‘s operator


    73 field experience is soething you don‘t get until just after you need it


    74 no atter hich ay you have to arch, its alays uphill


    75 if enough data is collected, a board of inquiry can prove anything


    76 for every action, there is an equal and opposite criticis(in boot cap)


    77 air strikes alays overshoot the target, artillery alays falls short


    78 hen revieing the radio frequencies that you just rote don, the ost iportant ones are alays illegible


    79 those ho hesitate under fire usually do not end up kia or ia


    80 the tough part about being an officer is that the troo don‘t kno hat they ant, but they kno for certain hat they don‘t ant


    81 to steal inforation fro a person is called plagiaris to steal inforation fro the eney is called gathering intelligence


    82 the eapon that usually jas hen you need it the ost is the 60


    83 the perfect officer for the job ill transfer in the day after that billet is filled by soeone else


    85 the neest and least experienced soldier ill usually in the edal of honor


    86 a purple heart just proves that ere you sart enough to think of a plan, stupid enough to try it, and lucky enough to survive
