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时间:2023-05-23  来源:  作者:小兵哥

    87 urphy as a grunt


    88 beer ath ≈ap;ap;ap;ap;gt; 2 beers ties 37 en equals 49 cases


    89 body count ath ≈ap;ap;ap;ap;gt; 3 guerrillas plus 1 probable plus 2 pigs equals 37 eneies killed in action


    90 the bursting radius of a hand grenade is alays one foot greater than your juping range


    91 alleather close air support doesn‘t ork in bad eather


    92 the bat orth of a unit is inversely proportional to the sartness of its outfit and appearance


    93 the crucial round is a dud


    95 there is no such place as a convenient foxhole


    97 if your positions are firly set and you are prepared to take the eney assault on, he ill bypass you


    98 if your abush is properly set, the eney on‘t alk into it


    99 if your flank arch is going ell, the eney expects you to outflank hi


    100 density of fire increases proportionally to the curiousness of the target


    101 odd objects attract fire  never lurk behind one


    103 the selfiportance of a superior is inversely proportional to his position in the hierarchy (as is his deviousness and ischievousness)


    104 there is alays a ay, and it usually doesn‘t ork


    105 success occurs hen no one is looking, failure occurs hen the general is atching


    106 the eney never onitors your radio frequency until you broadcast on an unsecured channel


    107 henever you drop your equipent in a firefight, your ao and grenades alays fall the farthest aay, and your canteen alays lands at your feet


    108 as soon as you are served hot cho in the field, it rains


    109 never tell the platoon sergeant you have nothing to do


    111 alking point  sniper bait


    112 your bivouac for the night is the spot here you got tired of arching that day


    113 if only one solution can be found for a field proble, then it is usually a stupid solution


    115 hat gets you prooted fro one rank gets you killed in the next rank


    116 if orders can be isunderstood they ill be


    117 odd objects attract fire you are odd


    118 your ortar barrage ill put exactly one round on the intended target that round ill be a dud


    119 ine fields are not neutral


    120 the eight of your equipent is proportional to the tie you have been carrying it


    122 if you need an officer in a hurry take a nap


    123 the effective killing radius is greater than the average soldier can thro it


    128 hen you have sufficient ao the eney takes 2 eeks to attack hen you are lo on ao the eney attacks that night


    129 the quarteraster has only to sizes, too large and too sall


    130 the only tie suppressive fire orks is hen it is used on abandoned positions


    131 hen a front line soldier overhears to general staff officers conferring, he has fallen back too far


    132 don‘t ever be the first, don‘t ever be the last, and don‘t ever volunteer to do anything


    133 if at first you don‘t succeed, then bob disposal probably isn‘t for you


    134 any ship can be a ineseeperonce


    135 henever you lose contact ith the eney, look behind you


    136 if you find yourself in front of your platoon they kno soething you don‘t


    137 the seriousness of a ound (in a firefight) is inversely proportional to the distance to any for of cover


    138 the ore stupid the leader is, the ore iportant issions he is ordered to carry out


    139 hen the pin is pulled, r grenade is not your friend


    140 all or any of the above bined













